E-Waste FAQs

When it comes to E-Waste, we find that many companies are unaware of the potential hazards that redundant equipment pose to both us as well as the environment. There is a common misconception that all recycling companies have to legally dispose of such equipment in an Eco-friendly manner. This is not the case! Many recyclers utilise landfill to dispose of the unwanted waste.

We have compiled a Frequently Asked Questions section in order to answer some of questions we encounter.

What exactly is E-Waste?

E-Waste (Electronic Waste) is the collective term used to identify any sort of redundant, dated equipment that is electronic in nature. By this we mean if it can be powered on, it is generally E-Waste. Most E-Waste can be identified by somehow emitting light when powered on.

What are the implications of utilising alternate recyclers?

Many of South Africa’s electronic recyclers subscribe to international organisations that attempt to curb wasteful and careless recycling. Unfortunately, we have found that sometimes the best practices that are offered are not in line with local legislative requirements.

What does it cost to remove electronic waste?

It depends on what sort of quantity you have to be recycled. Usually we offer a free collection service as well as a few value added services that allow us to ensure that you have peace of mind when disposing of E-Waste.